Pikes fraternity members play cornhole during Rush Week activities.

Fraternity and Sorority Life

Fraternity and Sorority Life at Kettering University inspires academic excellence, community service, leadership and fellowship among classmates and peers. 

History of Fraternity and Sorority Life

The first fraternal organization was organized at Kettering in 1921. Five years later, the first officially recognized organization was formed with the founding of White Elephants in 1926, ushering in a new age of student life on campus.

The Greek Community has had a long and vibrant history on campus. Today, the Greek community is stronger than ever, with 13 fraternities and 3 sororities on A-section (summer and winter) and 12 fraternities and 3 sororities on B-section (spring and fall). The current Greek community accounts for more than 40 percent of the total student population at Kettering. The names may change, the colors may be different, but the values, life-lessons and friendships continue on campus.


Greek Life on campus propels students to leadership positions in their respective organizations and across campus. Some of the leadership opportunities available to members include:

  • Leadership development workshops and opportunities to practice and hone skills
  • Opportunities for personal growth and development
  • Professional networks to assist with career growth in co-op positions
  • Assistance from experienced national advisors trained to work with fraternities and sororities

Greek Life at Kettering helps students be the best version of themselves.

Community Service

Greek Life on campus bolsters a culture of community service in Flint. The fraternities and sororities on campus believe it's their moral imperative to give back to their communities by volunteering and raising funds for local and national charities. Below are examples of recent Greek efforts.

Contact Information

Coordinator of Fraternity/Sorority Life and Leadership
Alyssa Mohr 
(810) 762-9534

About Us

Learn more about the intriguing history of fraternities and sororities, from their beginnings as academic groups to their present-day impact on campus life. Discover how they've evolved and contributed to education and communities over time.

Read More

Active: A fully initiated member of a fraternity/sorority.

Advisor: An alumnus or alumna member who serves as a resource for the active chapter and liaison between the alums and collegians. Kettering University also requires each chapter to have a faculty/staff member serve as an advisor to the chapter.

Anchor: The last person of the line.

Alumna: A member of a women’s fraternal organization who is no longer an undergraduate. Plural: Alumnae.

Alumnus: A member of a men’s fraternal organization who is no longer an undergraduate. Plural: Alumni.

Associate Member: A person who has accepted a bid but is not yet initiated into a sorority or fraternity. See also “New Member.”

Badge: A “pin” worn by fully-initiated members of each fraternity or sorority that carries its official insignia. The badge is to be worn at all official functions, and upon a member's death, it should be returned to the sorority or fraternity headquarters. The badge must be worn with business-like attire, usually over the heart and above all other pins.

Bid: An invitation to join an IFC fraternity or CPC sorority. For culturally-based or NPHC organizations, it is a formal invitation to be a potential/prospective new member.

Big: Nickname for big sister or brother, which is a mentor assigned to a new member. Many organizations have special names for these pairings.

Brother: An active or alumni member of a fraternity.

Brotherhood: The common term for the bond between members of the same fraternity.

Campus Total: The maximum number of members a Panhellenic Council sorority can have on a given campus. Conversely, if a sorority is below total, that sorority may continue to ask new members to join, but only up to total.

Call/Chant: A call used by members of culturally-based organizations or NPHC used to acknowledge, identify, and greet brothers and sisters. Some organizations have more than one chant.  Emulating a call/chant is a sign of disrespect.

Chapter: An established membership unit of a national or international sorority or fraternity.

Chapter House: A physical structure where members live. Chapter houses are typically owned and operated by private housing corporations or organizations.

Charter: The official document drafted by an inter/national fraternity or sorority that allows for the creation of a local chapter that is affiliated with a college or university campus.

Class or “New Member Class”: A term used to name new members of a Panhellenic Council or Interfraternity Council organization who all joined during the same semester.

College Panhellenic Council (CPC): An umbrella council comprised of the NPC women’s housed sororities. A student governed council at Kettering University which strives to provide communication between the organizations and connects organizations to the local Flint and Kettering community through academic, social, and service events.

Crest: Insignia used by sorority and fraternity members. Most Greek organizations reserve the crest for initiated members only. Each crest has hidden, secret meanings behind it. Also known as a coat or arms, shield, or armorial bearings.

Crossing: Ceremony during which new members of culturally-based and NPHC organizations become active, life-long members of their organization.

Crossing Date/Year: A term for initiating into a culturally-based Greek organization or NPHC organization. Usually used to refer to when a member joined their organization – the term and year they joined.

Dean of Pledges (DP): Person who oversees the membership intake process.

Depledge: A student who withdraws from an organization after accepting a bid, but before the student is initiated by a chapter.

Dry: A fraternity which does not permit alcohol on the premises and sometimes does not allow the organization to host a party involving alcohol. Some fraternities are going dry at the national level, and all sororities have different levels of “dry”. For example, one may allow the sorority to attend a function hosted by a non-dry fraternity, while another sorority may not.

Dirty Rushing: When one organization will attempt to influence a potential new member through gifts, bad mouthing other organizations, etc.

Dues: The monetary costs of membership in a fraternity or sorority. These fees are used to cover the costs of operation, formal events, social activities, and other events, depending on the organization.

Expansion: When an organization is looking to expand and open a new establishment of a Greek-letter organization at a college or university.

Financial: Term used to refer to an active member. (i.e. a dues-paying member)

Founder‘s Day: An event celebrated by fraternities and sororities to highlight the founding of their organization and celebrate its history. It’s not necessarily held on the day the organization was founded.

Founders: The founding members of a Greek Letter organization.

Frat: A nickname for a fraternity or a fraternity brother. IFC members generally find this to be offensive; however, NPHC fraternities use it as a mark of respect for each other.

Fraternity: The name applied to Greek organizations including both men’s and women’s organizations.

Gamma Sigma Alpha: national Greek academic honor society; Founded in order to combat the negative stereotypes around sorority & fraternity membership and academic performance. Headquartered in Denver, with over 215 chapters in the United States and Canada. The Delta Zeta chapter at Kettering University was chartered on December 3rd, 1997.

Governing Council: Also known as an umbrella council, generally supports and acts as a voice for organizations within it, including being the official sponsored student organization as liaison between the university and the members of the member organizations. Kettering University currently has the Interfraternity Council (IFC), National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), & College Panhellenic Council (CPC) on both A and B Section.

Greeting: Greetings are defined as formalized ways in which a potential new member is required to address a current member of the organization in which skits, songs, prose, etc. are incorporated.

Greeks: Members of a fraternity or sorority. The term “Greek” is used because a majority of fraternities and sororities use Greek letters to distinguish themselves.

Greek Week: An organized week of activities to unite all organizations/councils in friendly competition and raise money for philanthropy. This occurs in the Spring term for B Section and in the Summer term for A Section.

Hand Signs: Signs that only a member of an organization can “throw up.” Most signs have a deep meaning to an organization or ritualistic symbol.

Handshake: A special handshake unique to each organization. Only initiated members will know the handshake. Also known as a ‘grip’.

Hazing: Any willful act or practice by a member, directed against a member or new member, which, with or without intent, is likely to: cause bodily harm or danger, offensive punishment, or disturbing pain, compromise the person’s dignity; cause embarrassment or shame in public; cause the person to be the object of malicious amusement or ridicule; cause psychological harm or substantial emotional strain; and impair academic efforts. In addition, hazing is any requirement by a member which compels a member or new member to participate in any activity which is illegal, is contrary to moral or religious beliefs, or is contrary to the rules and regulations of the sorority/fraternity, institution of learning, and civil authorities.

Hold Over: Someone who is a new member who for some reason, can’t be initiated with their new member class and is “held over” until the next initiation occurs. Often happens because of finances, personal reasons, grades, etc.

House: A physical facility usually used to hold meetings and other events. Also a synonym for an organization or the word ‘chapter’.

Informal Recruitment: Any time outside of a formal recruitment period where Greek organizations recruit new members. It is called informal because potential members need not follow a designated schedule set by the governing council. This can also be referred to as “Continuous Open Bidding” or “COB.”

Informational: Recruitment event for culturally based groups to go over information pertaining to gaining membership in the chapter.

Initiation: A ceremony during which new members receive lifelong membership privileges into the organization they have chosen to be a part of.

Intake: Term for the process by which National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) members are selected to become new members of an organization. This is generally much more secretive than recruitment for IFC and Panhellenic members, but generally includes an application and an interview process, followed by an educational program done at the regional level conducted by alumni, then an initiation (generally known as “crossing”).

Interest: A way to refer to someone who is interested in joining a Greek organization.

Interest Group: A group of individuals on campus in the first stage of the process leading to installation as a Greek-letter organization.

Interfraternity Council (IFC): A student-led governing body that supports several of the men’s fraternities at Kettering University. IFC strives to provide communication between the fraternal organizations and connects organizations to the local Flint and Kettering community through academic, social, and service events.

Lavaliere: A necklace with the sorority letters, often worn by members. Lavaliering is a process where a fraternity member would give his lavaliere to his partner, as a sign of a serious relationship. Depending on the campus, this can be equal to “pinning.”

Legacy: Each organization has its own definition of a “legacy.” It is generally defined as an immediate family member of an initiated member, such as a sister/brother or daughter/son. Some organizations also recognize extended family members as legacies as well.

Letters: The first Greek letter of each Greek word that makes up the motto of a particular fraternity or sorority; these are generally displayed on clothing and other Greek paraphernalia.

Line: A term used by culturally-based and NPHC organizations to name a group of new members who all joined during the same term, semester, or pledge class. They are the potential new members of the organization. Lines are often given names.

Line name/number: The name given to a prospective/new member that represents them as a person, usually a noun, adjective or acronym. Culturally-based organizations and NPHC organizations also assign a line number to their new members (such as ace, deuce, tre, etc.)

Little: Short for “Little brother/sister” – a new member who is being mentored by an older member of their organization

Manual of Information (MOI): Sometimes referred to as the “Greenbook” due to its green cover. The handbook contains procedural, instructional and practical information about National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), college, and alumnae Panhellenics. 

Marching: Marching is defined as but is not limited to potential new members linked arm in arm, stepping or stomping loudly in unison, dipping and/or chanting/singing.

Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA): Panhellenic Potential New Members sign this after preference, indicating which sorority of the ones they received a bid from that they choose to accept. You can read more about the MRABA here.

Mixer/Exchange/Social: A party between a fraternity and sorority, or several fraternities and sororities, often involving themes or games.

National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): The governing body of the nine traditionally African American fraternities and sororities, also known as the “Divine Nine.” The NPHC UC-Flint is a student-led governing body that supports the active chapters within the NPHC at Kettering University and UM-Flint. NPHC UC-Flint strives to provide communication between the fraternal organizations and connects organizations to the local Flint and Kettering community through academic, social, and service events.

National Panhellenic Council (NPC): A national organization comprised of 26 women’s fraternities and sororities, each of which is autonomous as a social, Greek-letter-society of college women.

Nationals: Fraternity and Sorority members often refer to their national/international headquarters or offices as “Nationals” or HQ. These offices are responsible for making policies for the individual organizations at all of the colleges and universities where their organization recruits members.

Neo or Neophyte: A new member of a culturally-based organization or a NPHC organization.

North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC): A national organization comprised of 56 fraternal organizations (mostly for men), each of which is autonomous as a social, Greek-letter-society of college men.

New Member: A person who has accepted a bid but is not yet initiated to a sorority or fraternity. See also “Associate Member.”

New Member Educator: The liaison between the new members and the chapter, they are responsible for implementing and monitoring the new member program and preparing the new members for initiation.

New Member Presentation: Also referred to as a probate, is a presentation that celebrates and welcomes new members in the Multicultural Greek community or NPHC community.

New Member Program: The time period where the new member learns about their new sorority and fraternity before initiation. This time frame lasts from accepting a bid until Initiation. Formerly called pledge period (and still called this in some fraternities).

Officers: Initiated members who currently hold positions within their Greek organization or governing body.

On the Yard: A phrase used by culturally-based and historically Black organizations meaning that a fraternity or sorority is currently chartered and able to recruit new members on campus.

Open Recruitment: A designated recruitment period during which each of the men’s fraternal organizations in the IFC host recruitment events at their own houses. This type of recruitment is considered “informal” because potential members need not follow a designated schedule. This occurs in the Winter term for A Section and in the Spring term for B Section.

Order of Omega: An honor society for Greek members who demonstrate outstanding leadership and academic achievement. Has national scholarships available. The Eta Eta chapter at Kettering University was chartered on May 7th, 1986.

Paraphernalia: Also known as ‘para,” “peri,” or ‘nalia’. This is clothing and accessories which display the organization’s letters.

Philanthropy: Money donated towards a specific cause. Most chapters have a cause that they are nationally aligned with. Examples include March for Dimes, Live Like Lou, and Feeding America.

Pin: The active member pin or badge, a distinctive insignia worn on the chest designating an active member of a particular fraternity. The new member pin is an insignia used to designate a new member of a particular fraternity and looks different from the active member pin or badge.

Pledge: A person who has accepted a bid but is not yet initiated to a sorority or fraternity. This term is believed to be outdated by some and can be offensive. See also “New Member.”

Potential New Member (PNM): A person who is interested in joining a Greek-letter organization, and will participate in rush, intake, or recruitment.

Preference: The final event held by Panhellenic Council organizations during Primary Recruitment. These events are usually more formal than the previous parties and usually include a ritual that potential new members can participate in. Also known as Pref or Pref Night. The IFC equivalent at Kettering is sometimes called a “Bid Dinner” or “Preference Dinner.”

Primary Recruitment: A designated recruitment period during which a series of organized events are held by each CPC sorority or IFC fraternity. At Kettering University, this is organized and implemented by the Panhellenic Council or Interfraternity Council in the Summer for A Section and in the Fall for B Section.

Probate/ Coming Out Show: An official public presentation of initiation used by culturally-based and NPHC organizations. The presentation may consist of knowledge learned, skills gained, and values understood. This is a proud moment of historical significance for new members of these organizations. In most cases, this is the first time when newly initiated members of each fraternity/sorority are revealed to the rest of campus.

Prophyte or “Old Head:” A term used to refer to an older brother/sister from a culturally based organization.

Recolonize/Recharter: A process where a fraternity or a sorority that was previously on campus receives another charter to recruit members on the same campus. Rechartering can happen because a chapter died out due to low numbers, or had their charter revoked.

Recruitment: The process through which sororities and fraternities get new members. Potential New Members tour each house, are invited to different events and choose the new members for their organization (students seeking membership in a fraternity or sorority “rush,” while the Greek organizations “recruit” new members).

Recruitment Counselor: A Panhellenic representative who serves to guide women through the recruitment process and answer questions.

Rho Lambda: A Panhellenic academic honor society. Accepts all sorority members who achieve the minimum GPA requirement and submit an application. The Delta Phi chapter at Kettering University was chartered on January 10th, 1999.

Ritual: The traditional rites and ceremonies of a fraternity or sorority; these are almost always private and known only to initiated members of a fraternal organization.

Saluting: Saluting is a tradition common to many Latino-Greek Organizations. Salute/Saluting is a unique art of reciting information in a line formation. Put quite simply, it’s “poetry in motion.” Involves a line of members performing intense, in-sync, and sharp hand & body movements with greetings attributing to others, honoring past and current accomplishments, or cherishing the cultural history, heritage, and traditions of the entire organization.

Sands: An NPHC term for members of your new member class or Greeks who became members the same semester. Comes from the phrase “cross the burning sands” which means to cross over (become initiated) into full membership.

Service: Time given towards a specific cause. Greek affiliated students perform a number of service projects each year, and most Inter/National Fraternities and Sororities require their organizations to do one large project per year. Our chapters are extremely involved in university and community service participating in such events as the CRIM races, canned food drives, clothing drives, and many more.

Sister: An active member of a sorority.

Sisterhood: The common term for the bond between members of the same sorority.

Ship: Individuals who are members of the same intake class. (Line)

Soror: Means sister, this is a term used by NPHC sorority members to acknowledge one another. Rarely used among NPC sororities.

Step Show: A show often performed by National Pan-Hellenic Council organizations using stepping. Similar to a “Yard Show.”

Stroll: A dance, normally done in a line of active members that displays pride and knowledge of their organization and its values. Organizations usually have national strolls and local strolls that incorporate a variety of different moves and hand signs that are unique to that organization.

Stepping: Stepping is a tradition where members synchronize their moves so that they are in a sense performing their own dance moves, without music. In stepping the members will clap, stomp with their feet, jump, chant (not to be confused with saluting) and create their own beat by doing so. Stepping is traditionally done by NPHC organizations, but multicultural Greeks are also known to step.

Tail: The last person of the line.

  • Our History

    Learn more about the intriguing history of fraternities and sororities, from their beginnings as academic groups to their present-day impact on campus life. Discover how they've evolved and contributed to education and communities over time.

    Read More

  • Philanthropy Dollars and Service Hours
  • Terminology

    Active: A fully initiated member of a fraternity/sorority.

    Advisor: An alumnus or alumna member who serves as a resource for the active chapter and liaison between the alums and collegians. Kettering University also requires each chapter to have a faculty/staff member serve as an advisor to the chapter.

    Anchor: The last person of the line.

    Alumna: A member of a women’s fraternal organization who is no longer an undergraduate. Plural: Alumnae.

    Alumnus: A member of a men’s fraternal organization who is no longer an undergraduate. Plural: Alumni.

    Associate Member: A person who has accepted a bid but is not yet initiated into a sorority or fraternity. See also “New Member.”

    Badge: A “pin” worn by fully-initiated members of each fraternity or sorority that carries its official insignia. The badge is to be worn at all official functions, and upon a member's death, it should be returned to the sorority or fraternity headquarters. The badge must be worn with business-like attire, usually over the heart and above all other pins.

    Bid: An invitation to join an IFC fraternity or CPC sorority. For culturally-based or NPHC organizations, it is a formal invitation to be a potential/prospective new member.

    Big: Nickname for big sister or brother, which is a mentor assigned to a new member. Many organizations have special names for these pairings.

    Brother: An active or alumni member of a fraternity.

    Brotherhood: The common term for the bond between members of the same fraternity.

    Campus Total: The maximum number of members a Panhellenic Council sorority can have on a given campus. Conversely, if a sorority is below total, that sorority may continue to ask new members to join, but only up to total.

    Call/Chant: A call used by members of culturally-based organizations or NPHC used to acknowledge, identify, and greet brothers and sisters. Some organizations have more than one chant.  Emulating a call/chant is a sign of disrespect.

    Chapter: An established membership unit of a national or international sorority or fraternity.

    Chapter House: A physical structure where members live. Chapter houses are typically owned and operated by private housing corporations or organizations.

    Charter: The official document drafted by an inter/national fraternity or sorority that allows for the creation of a local chapter that is affiliated with a college or university campus.

    Class or “New Member Class”: A term used to name new members of a Panhellenic Council or Interfraternity Council organization who all joined during the same semester.

    College Panhellenic Council (CPC): An umbrella council comprised of the NPC women’s housed sororities. A student governed council at Kettering University which strives to provide communication between the organizations and connects organizations to the local Flint and Kettering community through academic, social, and service events.

    Crest: Insignia used by sorority and fraternity members. Most Greek organizations reserve the crest for initiated members only. Each crest has hidden, secret meanings behind it. Also known as a coat or arms, shield, or armorial bearings.

    Crossing: Ceremony during which new members of culturally-based and NPHC organizations become active, life-long members of their organization.

    Crossing Date/Year: A term for initiating into a culturally-based Greek organization or NPHC organization. Usually used to refer to when a member joined their organization – the term and year they joined.

    Dean of Pledges (DP): Person who oversees the membership intake process.

    Depledge: A student who withdraws from an organization after accepting a bid, but before the student is initiated by a chapter.

    Dry: A fraternity which does not permit alcohol on the premises and sometimes does not allow the organization to host a party involving alcohol. Some fraternities are going dry at the national level, and all sororities have different levels of “dry”. For example, one may allow the sorority to attend a function hosted by a non-dry fraternity, while another sorority may not.

    Dirty Rushing: When one organization will attempt to influence a potential new member through gifts, bad mouthing other organizations, etc.

    Dues: The monetary costs of membership in a fraternity or sorority. These fees are used to cover the costs of operation, formal events, social activities, and other events, depending on the organization.

    Expansion: When an organization is looking to expand and open a new establishment of a Greek-letter organization at a college or university.

    Financial: Term used to refer to an active member. (i.e. a dues-paying member)

    Founder‘s Day: An event celebrated by fraternities and sororities to highlight the founding of their organization and celebrate its history. It’s not necessarily held on the day the organization was founded.

    Founders: The founding members of a Greek Letter organization.

    Frat: A nickname for a fraternity or a fraternity brother. IFC members generally find this to be offensive; however, NPHC fraternities use it as a mark of respect for each other.

    Fraternity: The name applied to Greek organizations including both men’s and women’s organizations.

    Gamma Sigma Alpha: national Greek academic honor society; Founded in order to combat the negative stereotypes around sorority & fraternity membership and academic performance. Headquartered in Denver, with over 215 chapters in the United States and Canada. The Delta Zeta chapter at Kettering University was chartered on December 3rd, 1997.

    Governing Council: Also known as an umbrella council, generally supports and acts as a voice for organizations within it, including being the official sponsored student organization as liaison between the university and the members of the member organizations. Kettering University currently has the Interfraternity Council (IFC), National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), & College Panhellenic Council (CPC) on both A and B Section.

    Greeting: Greetings are defined as formalized ways in which a potential new member is required to address a current member of the organization in which skits, songs, prose, etc. are incorporated.

    Greeks: Members of a fraternity or sorority. The term “Greek” is used because a majority of fraternities and sororities use Greek letters to distinguish themselves.

    Greek Week: An organized week of activities to unite all organizations/councils in friendly competition and raise money for philanthropy. This occurs in the Spring term for B Section and in the Summer term for A Section.

    Hand Signs: Signs that only a member of an organization can “throw up.” Most signs have a deep meaning to an organization or ritualistic symbol.

    Handshake: A special handshake unique to each organization. Only initiated members will know the handshake. Also known as a ‘grip’.

    Hazing: Any willful act or practice by a member, directed against a member or new member, which, with or without intent, is likely to: cause bodily harm or danger, offensive punishment, or disturbing pain, compromise the person’s dignity; cause embarrassment or shame in public; cause the person to be the object of malicious amusement or ridicule; cause psychological harm or substantial emotional strain; and impair academic efforts. In addition, hazing is any requirement by a member which compels a member or new member to participate in any activity which is illegal, is contrary to moral or religious beliefs, or is contrary to the rules and regulations of the sorority/fraternity, institution of learning, and civil authorities.

    Hold Over: Someone who is a new member who for some reason, can’t be initiated with their new member class and is “held over” until the next initiation occurs. Often happens because of finances, personal reasons, grades, etc.

    House: A physical facility usually used to hold meetings and other events. Also a synonym for an organization or the word ‘chapter’.

    Informal Recruitment: Any time outside of a formal recruitment period where Greek organizations recruit new members. It is called informal because potential members need not follow a designated schedule set by the governing council. This can also be referred to as “Continuous Open Bidding” or “COB.”

    Informational: Recruitment event for culturally based groups to go over information pertaining to gaining membership in the chapter.

    Initiation: A ceremony during which new members receive lifelong membership privileges into the organization they have chosen to be a part of.

    Intake: Term for the process by which National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) members are selected to become new members of an organization. This is generally much more secretive than recruitment for IFC and Panhellenic members, but generally includes an application and an interview process, followed by an educational program done at the regional level conducted by alumni, then an initiation (generally known as “crossing”).

    Interest: A way to refer to someone who is interested in joining a Greek organization.

    Interest Group: A group of individuals on campus in the first stage of the process leading to installation as a Greek-letter organization.

    Interfraternity Council (IFC): A student-led governing body that supports several of the men’s fraternities at Kettering University. IFC strives to provide communication between the fraternal organizations and connects organizations to the local Flint and Kettering community through academic, social, and service events.

    Lavaliere: A necklace with the sorority letters, often worn by members. Lavaliering is a process where a fraternity member would give his lavaliere to his partner, as a sign of a serious relationship. Depending on the campus, this can be equal to “pinning.”

    Legacy: Each organization has its own definition of a “legacy.” It is generally defined as an immediate family member of an initiated member, such as a sister/brother or daughter/son. Some organizations also recognize extended family members as legacies as well.

    Letters: The first Greek letter of each Greek word that makes up the motto of a particular fraternity or sorority; these are generally displayed on clothing and other Greek paraphernalia.

    Line: A term used by culturally-based and NPHC organizations to name a group of new members who all joined during the same term, semester, or pledge class. They are the potential new members of the organization. Lines are often given names.

    Line name/number: The name given to a prospective/new member that represents them as a person, usually a noun, adjective or acronym. Culturally-based organizations and NPHC organizations also assign a line number to their new members (such as ace, deuce, tre, etc.)

    Little: Short for “Little brother/sister” – a new member who is being mentored by an older member of their organization

    Manual of Information (MOI): Sometimes referred to as the “Greenbook” due to its green cover. The handbook contains procedural, instructional and practical information about National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), college, and alumnae Panhellenics. 

    Marching: Marching is defined as but is not limited to potential new members linked arm in arm, stepping or stomping loudly in unison, dipping and/or chanting/singing.

    Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA): Panhellenic Potential New Members sign this after preference, indicating which sorority of the ones they received a bid from that they choose to accept. You can read more about the MRABA here.

    Mixer/Exchange/Social: A party between a fraternity and sorority, or several fraternities and sororities, often involving themes or games.

    National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): The governing body of the nine traditionally African American fraternities and sororities, also known as the “Divine Nine.” The NPHC UC-Flint is a student-led governing body that supports the active chapters within the NPHC at Kettering University and UM-Flint. NPHC UC-Flint strives to provide communication between the fraternal organizations and connects organizations to the local Flint and Kettering community through academic, social, and service events.

    National Panhellenic Council (NPC): A national organization comprised of 26 women’s fraternities and sororities, each of which is autonomous as a social, Greek-letter-society of college women.

    Nationals: Fraternity and Sorority members often refer to their national/international headquarters or offices as “Nationals” or HQ. These offices are responsible for making policies for the individual organizations at all of the colleges and universities where their organization recruits members.

    Neo or Neophyte: A new member of a culturally-based organization or a NPHC organization.

    North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC): A national organization comprised of 56 fraternal organizations (mostly for men), each of which is autonomous as a social, Greek-letter-society of college men.

    New Member: A person who has accepted a bid but is not yet initiated to a sorority or fraternity. See also “Associate Member.”

    New Member Educator: The liaison between the new members and the chapter, they are responsible for implementing and monitoring the new member program and preparing the new members for initiation.

    New Member Presentation: Also referred to as a probate, is a presentation that celebrates and welcomes new members in the Multicultural Greek community or NPHC community.

    New Member Program: The time period where the new member learns about their new sorority and fraternity before initiation. This time frame lasts from accepting a bid until Initiation. Formerly called pledge period (and still called this in some fraternities).

    Officers: Initiated members who currently hold positions within their Greek organization or governing body.

    On the Yard: A phrase used by culturally-based and historically Black organizations meaning that a fraternity or sorority is currently chartered and able to recruit new members on campus.

    Open Recruitment: A designated recruitment period during which each of the men’s fraternal organizations in the IFC host recruitment events at their own houses. This type of recruitment is considered “informal” because potential members need not follow a designated schedule. This occurs in the Winter term for A Section and in the Spring term for B Section.

    Order of Omega: An honor society for Greek members who demonstrate outstanding leadership and academic achievement. Has national scholarships available. The Eta Eta chapter at Kettering University was chartered on May 7th, 1986.

    Paraphernalia: Also known as ‘para,” “peri,” or ‘nalia’. This is clothing and accessories which display the organization’s letters.

    Philanthropy: Money donated towards a specific cause. Most chapters have a cause that they are nationally aligned with. Examples include March for Dimes, Live Like Lou, and Feeding America.

    Pin: The active member pin or badge, a distinctive insignia worn on the chest designating an active member of a particular fraternity. The new member pin is an insignia used to designate a new member of a particular fraternity and looks different from the active member pin or badge.

    Pledge: A person who has accepted a bid but is not yet initiated to a sorority or fraternity. This term is believed to be outdated by some and can be offensive. See also “New Member.”

    Potential New Member (PNM): A person who is interested in joining a Greek-letter organization, and will participate in rush, intake, or recruitment.

    Preference: The final event held by Panhellenic Council organizations during Primary Recruitment. These events are usually more formal than the previous parties and usually include a ritual that potential new members can participate in. Also known as Pref or Pref Night. The IFC equivalent at Kettering is sometimes called a “Bid Dinner” or “Preference Dinner.”

    Primary Recruitment: A designated recruitment period during which a series of organized events are held by each CPC sorority or IFC fraternity. At Kettering University, this is organized and implemented by the Panhellenic Council or Interfraternity Council in the Summer for A Section and in the Fall for B Section.

    Probate/ Coming Out Show: An official public presentation of initiation used by culturally-based and NPHC organizations. The presentation may consist of knowledge learned, skills gained, and values understood. This is a proud moment of historical significance for new members of these organizations. In most cases, this is the first time when newly initiated members of each fraternity/sorority are revealed to the rest of campus.

    Prophyte or “Old Head:” A term used to refer to an older brother/sister from a culturally based organization.

    Recolonize/Recharter: A process where a fraternity or a sorority that was previously on campus receives another charter to recruit members on the same campus. Rechartering can happen because a chapter died out due to low numbers, or had their charter revoked.

    Recruitment: The process through which sororities and fraternities get new members. Potential New Members tour each house, are invited to different events and choose the new members for their organization (students seeking membership in a fraternity or sorority “rush,” while the Greek organizations “recruit” new members).

    Recruitment Counselor: A Panhellenic representative who serves to guide women through the recruitment process and answer questions.

    Rho Lambda: A Panhellenic academic honor society. Accepts all sorority members who achieve the minimum GPA requirement and submit an application. The Delta Phi chapter at Kettering University was chartered on January 10th, 1999.

    Ritual: The traditional rites and ceremonies of a fraternity or sorority; these are almost always private and known only to initiated members of a fraternal organization.

    Saluting: Saluting is a tradition common to many Latino-Greek Organizations. Salute/Saluting is a unique art of reciting information in a line formation. Put quite simply, it’s “poetry in motion.” Involves a line of members performing intense, in-sync, and sharp hand & body movements with greetings attributing to others, honoring past and current accomplishments, or cherishing the cultural history, heritage, and traditions of the entire organization.

    Sands: An NPHC term for members of your new member class or Greeks who became members the same semester. Comes from the phrase “cross the burning sands” which means to cross over (become initiated) into full membership.

    Service: Time given towards a specific cause. Greek affiliated students perform a number of service projects each year, and most Inter/National Fraternities and Sororities require their organizations to do one large project per year. Our chapters are extremely involved in university and community service participating in such events as the CRIM races, canned food drives, clothing drives, and many more.

    Sister: An active member of a sorority.

    Sisterhood: The common term for the bond between members of the same sorority.

    Ship: Individuals who are members of the same intake class. (Line)

    Soror: Means sister, this is a term used by NPHC sorority members to acknowledge one another. Rarely used among NPC sororities.

    Step Show: A show often performed by National Pan-Hellenic Council organizations using stepping. Similar to a “Yard Show.”

    Stroll: A dance, normally done in a line of active members that displays pride and knowledge of their organization and its values. Organizations usually have national strolls and local strolls that incorporate a variety of different moves and hand signs that are unique to that organization.

    Stepping: Stepping is a tradition where members synchronize their moves so that they are in a sense performing their own dance moves, without music. In stepping the members will clap, stomp with their feet, jump, chant (not to be confused with saluting) and create their own beat by doing so. Stepping is traditionally done by NPHC organizations, but multicultural Greeks are also known to step.

    Tail: The last person of the line.


On behalf of the Greek community at Kettering University, I welcome you to our page! You may not have had experience with Greek life before, so we have developed this webpage to give you some basic information about Kettering UniversityFraternity and Sorority Life (FSL). Membership in a fraternity or sorority can be a valuable experience for your student. We need you, as a parent, to be an active partner in your student’s fraternity or sorority experience by becoming familiar with the community and the organization.

Please see our most recent parent’s letter with information about recruitment/intake and our active chapters on campus:

KU FSL_Parent_Letter_July2023 (1).pdf

What is a fraternity or sorority?

What is the role of parents/families in the fraternity/sorority experience?

What will my child get out of fraternity or sorority membership that they would not get in another college organization?

Can my student live in a chapter house their second year?

What is the financial commitment?

What about hazing?

What do fraternities and sororities do to help with academic success?

Do Greek chapters encourage alcohol and drug abuse?

Who is really in charge of these chapters?

How do I get more information about Fraternity and Sorority Life at Kettering University?

Anti-Hazing Policy

Kettering University is committed to providing a safe educational environment for everyone and does not tolerate hazing by any group or individual affiliated with the University.

Review Anti-Hazing Policy

Anonymous Tips

Anonymous Tip Form

Please complete this form if you believe a crime or policy violation has occurred involving one of our fraternities or sororities, have witnessed or have evidence of hazing, or have seen suspicious activity on campus. Completed forms are sent to the Coordinator of Fraternity/Sorority Life. The Coordinator of Fraternity/Sorority Life will respond to reports or may forward to the appropriate office. You will remain anonymous unless you voluntarily provide your contact information or other information that may identify yourself in the form. The University will investigate all reports of sexual misconduct to the extent possible based upon information provided.

To report a crime or incident in progress, or to report a crime or incident after the event, please call the Campus Safety Service Center at (810) 762-9501. Immediately report all emergencies and life-threatening situations by calling 911.

  • Parents and Families

    On behalf of the Greek community at Kettering University, I welcome you to our page! You may not have had experience with Greek life before, so we have developed this webpage to give you some basic information about Kettering UniversityFraternity and Sorority Life (FSL). Membership in a fraternity or sorority can be a valuable experience for your student. We need you, as a parent, to be an active partner in your student’s fraternity or sorority experience by becoming familiar with the community and the organization.

    Please see our most recent parent’s letter with information about recruitment/intake and our active chapters on campus:

    KU FSL_Parent_Letter_July2023 (1).pdf

    What is a fraternity or sorority?

    What is the role of parents/families in the fraternity/sorority experience?

    What will my child get out of fraternity or sorority membership that they would not get in another college organization?

    Can my student live in a chapter house their second year?

    What is the financial commitment?

    What about hazing?

    What do fraternities and sororities do to help with academic success?

    Do Greek chapters encourage alcohol and drug abuse?

    Who is really in charge of these chapters?

    How do I get more information about Fraternity and Sorority Life at Kettering University?

  • Policies and Forms

    Anti-Hazing Policy

    Kettering University is committed to providing a safe educational environment for everyone and does not tolerate hazing by any group or individual affiliated with the University.

    Review Anti-Hazing Policy

    Anonymous Tips

    Anonymous Tip Form

    Please complete this form if you believe a crime or policy violation has occurred involving one of our fraternities or sororities, have witnessed or have evidence of hazing, or have seen suspicious activity on campus. Completed forms are sent to the Coordinator of Fraternity/Sorority Life. The Coordinator of Fraternity/Sorority Life will respond to reports or may forward to the appropriate office. You will remain anonymous unless you voluntarily provide your contact information or other information that may identify yourself in the form. The University will investigate all reports of sexual misconduct to the extent possible based upon information provided.

    To report a crime or incident in progress, or to report a crime or incident after the event, please call the Campus Safety Service Center at (810) 762-9501. Immediately report all emergencies and life-threatening situations by calling 911.

  • Additional Resources